The arts have always been a major part of my life but I became more serious about it throughout middle school and high school. While in high school I became involved with a local gallery, Artspace in New Haven, Ct. I was a part of the Apprentice Program, where high school students from all over the city came to work with a professional artist. One of our day trips we had the opportunity to visit Real Art Ways in Hartford. I remember the space blowing me away because it was so huge. They were hosting a show called "None of the Above." It featured artists of Hispanic decent that produced work that was beyond the expected racial frame. There was one of every kind present. Paintings, instillations, sculptures, video, photography, etc.

Carlos "Dzine" Rolon was one of the artist that showed work, and though I enjoyed most of the other work. I remember being so mesmerized by his work. I stood in front of this massive wall painting instillation and trying to piece together how he ever made it possible. So I did what every artist does, grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down every single material listed on his label. Over the years I have attempted to figure it out but it seems it is best to admire. I think seeing his work in the being stages of my artmaking has highly influenced my color palette, material and scale! So thank you Carlos Rolon!